MYTH: EMAIL ACQUISITION ISNā€™T A PRIORITY achiever brick and mortar customer experience small business

Retailers have a bad habit of avoiding what makes them uncomfortable. Top of that list? Email acquisition.

Chances are your sales staff are...

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MYTH: CUSTOMERS WANT A QUICK SHOPPING EXPERIENCE achiever brick and mortar customer experience small business

We live in a break-neck, fast-paced world. It used to take weeks, days, or at least hours to get responses to written correspondence; now it takes...

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MYTH: PRICE DETERMINES AN ITEMā€™S VALUE achiever brick and mortar customer experience leading change small business

Price is an important variable in every shopper’s decision—but how important varies from product to product, category to category, and...

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Why Compensation is a Hot Topic in Retail achiever brick and mortar customer experience small business

You guys love—looooove—our episodes on compensation (if your listens are any indication, at least). At first, we were struck by the...

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Create a Welcoming Environment achiever brick and mortar customer experience small business

Have you ever fired a store? Seriously, have you ever walked into an environment only to promptly walk out, swearing you’ll never return?...

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Recapturing Your Why achiever brick and mortar customer experience leadership

Take a Moment

Starting the retail new year is like taking a giant exhale. January will be busy in its own right and spring’s just around the...

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Featured Retailer ā€“ Ian Christie, Summit Bicycles achiever brick and mortar change management customer experience

There’s a trend in the bike retail industry, and it’s not a good one. Independent and in–store retailers have undoubtedly...

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Hatch a Plan with The Mann Group achiever brick and mortar customer experience leadership

We may love acronyms and idioms at The Mann Group, but one of our most popular and successful programs comes in a clear-cut package: Strategic...

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The SEVEN crucial moments in the Customer Service Experience achiever brick and mortar change management customer experience

In this time of retail (r)evolution, everyone is talking about how the future belongs to retailers with a great Customer Experience. Few people are...

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Lost Humility. Lost Humanity. communication consumer insights customer experience leadership redefine retail soft skills training

I spend a considerable amount of time at trade shows. I am always excited to see friends, clients and new brands that are coming out with...

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Saucony: How One Brand Decided to Build Trust communication consumer insights customer experience influencing behavior mann u manufacturers redefine retail run

Trust. It’s a tricky noun, one that we have difficulty with as a society, and one that’s particularly and noticeably absent in the...

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Tom Henry and the Absolute Necessity of Investing in Your Staff bike brick and mortar customer experience influencing behavior leadership redefine retail small business the mann group

Imagine you wake up one morning with no memory of your business. In the middle of the night, every recollection of your profession vanished. Every...

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