Recapturing Your Why

achiever brick and mortar customer experience leadership

Take a Moment

Starting the retail new year is like taking a giant exhale. January will be busy in its own right and spring’s just around the corner, but there’s something to be said for putting a cork in the chaos of December. Congratulations folks, you did it. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Sort of like hitting the reset button.

Recapture Your Why
Think back to the day you opened your doors. Do you remember how you felt? Were you excited, confident, terrified? Did you feel up for the challenge? I encourage you to reflect back on what got you into specialty retail in the first place. Certainly it wasn’t the big bucks or frequent vacations — so why did you decide on this business? Does your why still motivate you to get up in the morning? If not, it’s time to reevaluate things. Everything about your business depends on your why. Recapture your driving passion! It’s what is most attractive about your business. Life’s too short to spend time doing something that doesn’t burn hot in your belly.
Intentionality Creates Possibility
Do you have a vision statement—something that explains where you are headed and how you plan to get there? If so, make sure it’s still relevant. It might not be. If you don’t have one, well, what are you waiting for? Get it done.
Your vision is an inspirational plan that states what you believe in. It comes straight from the heart. So many specialty environments have cookie-cutter versions of the same statement. They may sound nice, but they’re played out. In our current market, your business can’t afford to be just great. Take things to the next level by publishing a vision that screams your intention to exceed the status quo and be absolutely amazing. Then do the most important part—dedicate yourself to making it happen. Manifest greatness, people. Start today.


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