The Last Crucial Skill: Feedback achiever change management leading change redefine retail

Effective Feedback—the importance of offering feedback to your team might well be the utmost skill needed for success in Retail. If...

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Learn How Gazelle Sports Creates Their Own Destiny achiever change management leading change small business

It’s a New Year, and that means “new” everything. New goals, new dreams, new plans. Retailers across the country begin the year...

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GEAR: “R” Relationship Part Three achiever brick and mortar gear leading change

As 2016 comes to a close, so does our series on GEAR. From Get Involved, to Edit, to Appeal, to Relationship, we’ve broken down the various...

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I am Here to Get Validated achiever leadership leading change small business

Working in retail takes a special type of person, someone who can assess people as soon as they come in the door. What is the customer’s body...

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Larry: Old School Merchant achiever leadership leading change small business

In today’s world, we all want to be authentic. Millennials are creating new ways to express authenticity, but they’re missing the mark...

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Don’t create a “Hack-a-Shaq,” Give Good Feedback. achiever brick and mortar change management leading change

Effective Leadership involves Feedback. If you intend to influence adult behavior and improve performance, you must master the skill of giving...

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Hiring Should Not be Done in a Day achiever brick and mortar hiring leading change

Let’s face it: we’re all pretty lucky. Most of us don’t roll out of bed in the mornings, we positively hop out of the sheets and...

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Specialty Retail Meets Innovation achiever brick and mortar leading change

A decade ago, when the internet was still fairly new and the retail industry stagnant, innovation came in the form of online marketplaces. Now...

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Hiring the Fourth Critical Skill For a Store Manager achiever change management leadership leading change small business

“Yeah, so this is like a super chill place… We have TV going on in the back, and if you don’t want to come to work one day, it's...

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Feature Retailer of the Month: Champaign Surplus achiever brick and mortar change management leading change small business

For Shira and Dan Epstein, business is a family affair. Shira’s grandparents started Champaign Surplus almost 60 years ago, and it’s...

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An Interview with Karen Roberts, Owner of Get Fit in Amarillo, Texas achiever brick and mortar change management leadership leading change run small business

We took a moment to get to know Karen Roberts, Owner of Get Fit in Amarillo, Texas. Here’s what she had to say:
MG: Why did you choose...

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The Coach’s Role as a Leader in Customer Engagement achiever brick and mortar change management leading change

Your store’s personal culture is the defining factor for your salespeople as well as your customers. It defines the behavior of your...

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