Not Enough of Your Kind achiever brick and mortar leading change manufacturers

I was recently attending a fountain pen consumer tradeshow. I’ve discovered the world of fountain pens. I’m obsessed with writing and...

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Allgood Coffee: Service That’s More Than Good achiever brick and mortar leading change small business

“Mindfulness.” That’s the first word Eric Anderson proposes when asked to define customer service. Anderson is owner, along with...

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A Guide to Succession Plans achiever brick and mortar leading change small business

When it comes to big, overwhelming projects—like, say, succession plans—the hardest part is getting started. Where do you even begin?...

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Outsider Perspectives: Runners Roost’s Succession Plan achiever brick and mortar leading change next generation

It’s easy to sterilize the phrase “succession plan,” but the truth is it’s a process that’s anything but passive....

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Hatch a Plan with The Mann Group achiever brick and mortar customer experience leadership

We may love acronyms and idioms at The Mann Group, but one of our most popular and successful programs comes in a clear-cut package: Strategic...

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My Sales Rep is Lazy achiever small business training

At the Mann Group, our client mix is equally divided between Retailers and Brands who sell to Retailers. This puts one group of people squarely in...

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The Last 3 Crucial Moments in the Customer Experience achiever brick and mortar change management leading change

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been talking about what we believe are the Seven Crucial Moments in the Customer’s Journey in your...

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No Excuse Zone: Implementation achiever change management leading change

There’s a graph called the Curve of Forgetting. With an arch and a squiggle, the sketch depicts the rate at which we forget, which, depending...

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Discounting: Another Perspective achiever change management leading change

Every month, sometimes every week, a new Mann Group article goes out into the boundless cosmos we call the internet. As we tap out the words of...

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Big Data and The Frog achiever change management leading change

You’ve probably heard the adage a dozen times about bad habits’ correlation to boiling a frog. The old scientific proverb goes like...

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Seven Crucial Moments in the Customer Experience: “Making Your Customer’s Journey Custom” achiever brick and mortar change management leading change redefine retail

As a long-time retailer and consultant, I always enjoy the history (etymology) of the industry to better understand how we got here. I was...

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Curiosity Skilled the Cat achiever brick and mortar change management leading change

I went to the uniform shop today to look for a specific pair of compression socks. I am doing a research project for a manufacturer, so I was on...

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